Is Black Friday the Beginning or the End of Your Financial Well-being?
The holiday season is probably the exact opposite of the new year. In January, some people establish goals and adopt new behaviors that are intended to improve their lives. Yet…
Posts for the general public
The holiday season is probably the exact opposite of the new year. In January, some people establish goals and adopt new behaviors that are intended to improve their lives. Yet…
One of my Nash Institute colleagues was exploring 401(k) retirement plan returns. He learned from the retirement analysis chief at the Government Accounting Office that they “don’t maintain that information”,…
There is a lot of talk about student loan debt, the ballooning of college costs and the mismatch of the degrees purchased and the needs of the economy. With certain…
A client recently asked me why our method of warehousing and growing money was so reliable. To answer this, we can refer to the fundamentals of investment advice that are…
A true investment is one in which we calculate a reasonable timeframe to be paid back our outlay (akin to Internal Rate of Return), and after that, the net profit…
They didn’t come out and say that, but numbers don’t lie. Allow me to make it clearer. Let’s look in the “Federal Reserve Banks Combined Quarterly Financial Report for September 30, 2018” :…
Some of my clients know that I hold a Series 65 certification (“Uniform Investment Advisor”) granted by FINRA after a very rigorous study and examination on the laws and technical…
Let’s review why using Wall Street as a savings plan is a bad idea. As of this writing, the S&P 500 is down 9.4 percent in three weeks, with two…
A recent article in Bloomberg (first noted by my most excellent colleague Carlos Lara) pointed out the latest rigged game of the Federal Reserve and their commercial bank pals. …
Tony Robbins, the creator of the modern motivation industry, has authored a second book on money, called Unshakable. I won’t include the link here because I have not read it,…