Hard times, made of any combination of inflation, booms or busts,…

The Blank Check of Government Spending Equals Inflation and How to Deal with It
If you have been watching the news, you may have now correctly concluded that inflation is not going to stop. The latest legislation, H.R. 5376, removes any limit for how far into debt the US government can go. Given a blank check, the politicians will continue to spend. Also in the news, commercial banks are wobbling. We are not sure why, but who wants to find out too late? Inflation cannot be defeated by any individual. If a commercial bank fails, the FDIC will probably pay you back, eventually. Eventually.
What can we do?
The first priority is to not lose your money. We cannot be cavalier about where our money is stored. Not anymore. Safe storage and stable growth are possible in a Privatized Banking system. We use the most stable custodians in history. Demonstrably, and for over 100+ years. Take that, Silicon Valley Bank.
Second, your money must always be growing. Idle cash, over regular month-to-month expenses—with a couple of months in reserve—should not be entrusted to the banks. They loan your deposits to make unlimited profits. We might imagine that this unhinged leverage may be a cause of the failures noted above. Hmm.
Getting ahead of inflation requires that you actively look for opportunities with risks that you can control. This is the opposite of Wall Street gambling. There are exactly ZERO passive investments without uncontrollable risk. Controlling risk means effort on your part. You may want to start now, but great opportunities don’t show up every day, and you must bide your time and keep your powder dry. When said opportunity knocks, you need to be able to answer ASAP. Privatized Banking will give you that power. You won’t need permission or a credit rating.
Now, that opportunity must be a cash flow-positive business, not a hobby; even if it takes a while to get into the black, like a restaurant. Not all businesses require a lot of capital. A lot of side hustles are great for that. But if you need to invest in a computer, printer, tools, materials or ovens, etc., you need to think like a business. That means to consider the cost of money that you will borrow from your Privatized Banking system. You should plan to pay yourself back from revenues from your business. Adding that into your calculations to will help you succeed as well as prove to yourself that you are on the right track.
For example, if you wanted to go into rental real estate, make sure that you can finance as much of the down payment as possible. Include a repayment plan for yourself as part of the cash flow from the property. When you replenish your credit reserve, do it again! Here’s the caution: If you can only make the deal work by taking real cash out of your pocket, it’s probably not a good deal. Maybe not now, not near where you live, so look elsewhere, or wait until it’s right.
Apply this to every opportunity you are considering, and you will be acting like a business.
Adopting a Privatized Banking system for yourself, or using the one that you already have, is going to be the key to giving yourself a feeling of control and the ability to sleep well at night. Controlling your risks—being actively involved in a business and doing better than inflation—can offer great peace of mind. Take that, Federal Reserve. And those people in Washington too.
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