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What is Money?
Money, when we hold it in our hands, is not really there. Of course an ounce of gold is real, but the gold stands for an idea. Money—and that gold also being money—is a static representation of the power of human action that can have infinite meaning when released into the world.
Yes we save money, but we do it so that action in the future might be magnified, might be greater than the environment or the opportunities we perceive in the now.
But we also spend it in the present. We use it to make things happen when we exchange it: people do things for us, we receive things, we experience things, we go places, we eat. It’s so familiar to us, yet we think so little about its true essence. And this is not the love of money, but the understanding of money for what it truly is: the built up potential to do miraculous things in a society.
Investigating personal banking, as we are doing, is truly taking a fresh look at the most commonplace and yet the most poorly understood foundation of our civilization. Becoming adept in making it move to its best potential, in every moment, is the new idea of banking.
Forget the old one.
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